More new copy for colored edges page on visigraf site:
> From: Sharon R Skolnick-Bagnoli <>
> Date: July 2, 2017 at 9:16:48 AM PDT
> To:
> Subject: 2. Iris's journey through the spectrum
> Iris's journey through the spectrum
> Infrared. Iris is old. She traces along the edges of her life.
> RED. Living in obsession. Her longings, frustrations, and influences.
> ORANGE. Her friendships and relationships.
> YELLOW. Her connection with the Indian world, the vision, and the story.
> GREEN. Her first look into the meaning of colors.
> A Pack of Lifesavers: an intermission of color poetry.
> AQUA. Her struggles with motherhood, loss, and despair. The bridge.
> BLUE. Her friends Kylie and Ephraim and their interactions.
> INDIGO. What happened with her short story.
> VIOLET. Her journey to Israel and back again.
> Ultraviolet. Elder Iris vows to leave a full color legacy.
> MAGENTA. A treasury of color and chromotherapy lore.
> Sharon Skolnick-Bagnoli
> VISIGRAF communications & design